{collapse title="Summary"}
This article will outline how to configure the ClickView App for Windows for Single Sign on (SSO), ready for deployment, so client machines will not require users to manually input the institution's unique SSO URL for log in.
There are two methods that can be used to configure the ClickView App for Windows with SSO settings.
1. The first method is particularly useful for group policy deployment, as it allows the app to be deployed with the SSO URL pre-configured.
2. The second method requires requires manual editing of the an XML file located at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ClickView\ClickView.Desktop' [64-bit systems] or 'C:\Program Files\ClickView\ClickView.Desktop' [32-bit systems] which contains the SSO settings. Once the XML file has been configured, group policy settings can be used to install the ClickView App (via .msi installer) and the XML file will need to be pushed into user directories. Once the ClickView App and the pre-configured XML file have been deployed, client machines will not need to have the SSO URL re-entered manually each time the App is deployed / launched.
NOTE: The ClickView App for Windows currently supports Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10.
{collapse title="Method 1 [recommended method] - Deploying the ClickView App using MSIEXEC with SSO configuration within the command line arguments"}
1. Download the ClickView App for Windows, and note the location of the ClickView.msi installer.
2. Open command prompt as administrator. The below screenshot illustrates how to open command prompt as administrator on both Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.
NOTE: A pop up window may open regarding 'User Account Control'. Click 'Yes' to proceed.
3. The Command Prompt window should be open. To deploy (install) the ClickView App with the SSO settings pre-configured within the 'settings.unique.xml' file, follow the below syntax to install. An example screenshot has been included below also. Once the command line arguments have been written correctly, press enter to open the ClickView App for Windows installer.
msiexec.exe /i [location of clickview.msi] uniquessourl=[your institution's unique sso url INCLUDING protocol]
NOTE: The ClickView App for Windows installer supports both quiet and passive installations (without the GUI). A quiet installation requires no user interaction, and simply installs in the background without any GUI's. A passive installation shows a progress bar. Add the command line argument '/passive' or '/quiet' at the end of the command line arguments.
4. Proceed through the ClickView App for Windows installer, as per the screenshots below.
5. Once the ClickView App for Windows has been installed, the SSO URL should be configured. When the ClickView App for Windows is run, the homepage will display a 'log in with SSO' button which will redirect the user to the unique SSO url.
{collapse close title="Method 2 - Configuring the ClickView App by editing the settings.unique.xml file"}
1. Ensure the ClickView App has been installed on a client machine - a shortcut should appear on the desktop, as per the screenshot below.
2. Navigate to your ClickView App for Windows install directory. By default, this is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ClickView\ClickView.Desktop'. Open 'File Explorer' and navigate to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ClickView\ClickView.Desktop'. Within this folder is a file called 'settings.unique.XML'. This is the XML file that stores the SSO settings for the ClickView App.
3. Open 'settings.unique.xml' with Notepad. To do this, right click on 'settings.unique.xml'. In the drop-down menu, click 'Open with'. Within that menu, choose Notepad. If Notepad is not in that list, click 'Choose default program...' and within the pop up window, click 'Notepad'.
3. The XML file will be opened in Notepad. As per the below screenshot, input your institution's unique SSO URL within the quotation marks (including the protocol [HTTP/HTTPS]) and input 'TRUE' within the quotation marks to the right of 'enabled='.
4. Save the XML file. The SSO URL should be configured now. When the ClickView App for Windows is run, the homepage will display a 'log in with SSO' button which will redirect the user to the unique SSO url.
If you have any enquiries, please contact ClickView Technical Support for assistance.